Approval Pipeline

Following government guidelines on COVID-19, most people are now working from home and utilising technology currently available. The majority will be using their home broadband for internet access and to send emails.

One of the constraints of home working and use of email for proofing is the organisations email attachment size constraints.

Also many home-workers will not have the same IT infrastructure available to them at home that they would have had from server based tools in the office.

Approval Pipeline acts in its basic form as a secure file transfer site that does not need any software loading locally so can be easily accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have a log in.

Support for the print industry and their customers through these difficult and challenging times.

To help printers to streamline file transfer and approval issues during this time, we are offering the use of our Approval PipelineTM platform FOC until the government lifts all social-distancing guidelines and workers return back to normal operational procedures. Any current users of the software will receive a payment holiday on the monthly subscriptions. After the return printers are under no obligation to retain the software, subscriptions fees will return once the crisis is over.

Our Approval PipelineTM platform incorporates a secure file upload feature – with no limit to file size incorporating 256-bit encryption.

We are totally committed to supporting the wider community during this challenging period and are helping businesses to utilise technology that ensures business continuity.

To access your free software please contact: stating AP-FOC in the email subject field.

Wishing you all well and safe.

The Approval Pipeline Team at SMXI

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